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I’m Sroyon, an amateur photographer who likes making images with homemade pinhole cameras, mirrorless digital, and everything in between. I do have a special fondness for vintage film cameras… but who doesn’t! I also enjoy collaborative projects, alternative processes, and developing and printing in my makeshift darkroom.

I write for a few popular photography websites, including 35mmc and Casual Photophile. The Articles page on this site has a list of all my writing to date.

The portrait of me was taken by my friend Nanda, with a Minolta Autocord and Kodak Portra 160 film.


Midtone grey is a shade which is perceptually about halfway between black and white. It has many uses in photography, including calibrating light-meters and cameras.

All photos here are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. In short, you are free to share and adapt them (non-commercially), so long as you give appropriate credit.

My Instagram is @midtonegrey. For collaborations, questions or anything else, feel free to email me.

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